Cancellation and Refunds

1.0 Cancellation by the Customer: Before processing any refunds, Collrs reserves the right to make best effort to complete the service as specified by the booking in question. A customer can "pause" or "temporarily suspend" their dog-walk sessions and Collrs will maintain their credits in their account for up to a maximum of 180 calendar days. Dog-walking services can be resumed any time during within the suspension period end date. Resuming a service in such cases is subject to the customer notifying Collrs at least 10 days in advance of the desired resume date and is dictated by availability of dog-walker pursuant to the terms detailed in section 2.6 of Terms Of Service.


1.2 Replacement Requests: If a customer is dissatisfied with the service he or she is receiving from a Dog-walker, then the customer shall notify Collrs at In such a case, Collrs reserves the right to make best effort to complete the services as specified by the booking in question. Collrs may take 10 to 15 days, from the date which the customer requested a replacement, to locate a replacement Dog-walker (subject to availability as described in section 2.6 of Terms Of Service, it may take up to 30 days) and assign to the booking. There shall be no "Meet & Greet" sessions scheduled for replacements, and only 1 (one) replacement is allowed per booking. If we are unable to locate and assign a replacement Dog-walker within 30 days of the replacement request date a refund may be issued to the sum of remaining number of sessions in the booking on a pro-rated basis. A refund transaction may take up to 10 days to process.


1.3 Cancellation by the Dog-walker: If a Dog-walker cancels a Booking prior to or during the service period identified in the Booking, we reserve the right to make best effort to allocate a different Dog-walker to the Booking (subject to availability as described in section 2.6 of Terms Of Service, it may take up to 30 days) . We make no commitment or promises to schedule "Meet & Greet" sessions under such circumstances, however we will make best effort to schedule a "Meet & Greet". If we are unable to locate and assign a replacement Dog-walker within 30 days of the previous Dog-walker's termination date, a refund may be issued to the sum of remaining number of sessions in the booking on a pro-rated basis. A refund transaction may take up to 10 days to process.


1.4 Refunds for Failure to Perform. If we determine in our reasonable discretion that a Dog-walker has failed to provide Dog-walk Services as agreed with the Pet Owner or is otherwise in breach of these Terms, then we may, in our reasonable discretion, attempt to replace the Dog-walker pursuant to the policy stated in section 1.2 above.


1.5 Force Majeure. The cancellation/refund policies described herein may not apply in the event of certain emergency situations beyond the control of Collrs and/or the Dog-walkers that make it impossible or impractical to perform agreed Bookings, such as Force Majeure events including but not limited to earthquake, hurricane, wildfire, acts of God, floods, famines, war, riots, festive activities sabotage, labor shortage or dispute, pandemics, global or national health crisis, or other similar disasters, internet interruption, technical failure, breakage of sea cable, hacking, piracy, cheating, illegal or unauthorized access. In such cases Collrs reserves the right to reasonably complete the services as is possible upon situations being safe for the Dog-walkers or other operational Collrs staff. Neither the Company nor the Dog-walkers shall be liable for damages for any delay or failure to perform its obligations, or to have obligations to issue refunds hereunder if such delay or failure is due to cause beyond its control or without its fault or negligence, due to such Force Majeure events.


1.6 General Terms for Cancellations. If you wish to cancel a Booking or request replacement, you should use the mechanisms available through the Collrs platform to do so or email at For purposes of the policies and terms in this Section, the date of cancellation/replacement request is the date that a user cancels/requests replacement through the Collrs platform or to us directly at, regardless of any separate communications between the customer and the Dog-walker outside of the Collrs platform.

Updated, Jan 19,2020